Delivery methods and file types available for the Accounting Office 

CodaBox delivers the PDF+

  1. The XML fie via MyCodaBox 
  2. The XML via FTP on the server of the accounting software, in the folder CLIENTCODE/YEAR/CARO
  3. The XML Via CodaBox Connect API (currently Yuki and Horus)

CARO and accounting software

  • Following softwares can automatically read the XML of CARO : Adsolut, Yuki, BOB and Horus
    • Process CARO files in Adsolut? You can find more information via this link in NL and this link in FR 
    • Process CARO files in Yuki? You can find more information via this link in NL and this link in FR

  • Why can't the XML file be imported into all accounting software yet?

    The accounting software have not yet implemented the integration of the XML files. Waiting for the XML integration, you can currently use the PDF file.

  • Is your accounting software not compatible but your daily CODA files end up on your server?

    You will then also receive the credit card statement in PDF format in the same customer folder under the 'CARO' folder.

  • Is your accounting software not compatible and you have no delivery of CODA on your server?

    The solution? ➞ Delivery via MyCodaBox! 

File delivery via MyCodaBox

Download my client's credit card statements via MyCodaBox

Via MyCodaBox, we offer you the possibility to download your clients' credit card statements directly.

  • You order CARO for your client via MyCodaBox
  • Your client activates the Service by giving his agreement via an activation link.
  • As soon as a credit card statement is available, you can download it (for 24 months) via MyCodaBox.


In MyCodaBox, CLIENT MANDATES & SERVICES > CARO - Look for the client for whom you wish to download the credit card statements, click  Manage. Download is available for Client References with the Active status

In the next screen, click Download to get the available CARO files

Select the period and click Download

The statements are downloaded in a .zip file with a name composed of CARO + the period you have chosen to download. For example: CARO - 

Select the credit card statement download folder

When you register your client for the CARO service and he has confirmed his registration, you can download the client's credit card statements via MyCodaBox.

The credit card statements (in PDF) are compressed in a .zip file. When you click Download in MyCodaBox > CLIENT MANDATES & SERVICES > CARO - your client > Manage, this file is downloaded in the folder that is configured in your browser settings. Usually in the folder Downloads.


If you want to download the CARO files in another folder, you can adapt your browser settings to choose a different location:

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