Who can benefit from the CARO Service?

The accountant's client who has a CODA mandate in a bank that has signed a CARO contract.

Which banks are participating?

Currently Argenta, Bank Van Breda, BNP Paribas Fortis, Crelan (AXA), Fintro (BNP Paribas Group) and KBC/CBC. Other banks will soon be added to the list. Stay informed by visiting www.CodaBox.com or via updates on this article.

Is there a list of eligible clients in MyCodaBox?

Yes, this list is available in MyCodaBox > Mandates & Services > CARO and contains the eligible clients as well as the status of the registration if credit card statements have already been ordered.   

This screen displays the list of eligible clients, invited and those who have activated the CARO Service. The information displayed is :

  • The Client Code
  • The Client Name
  • The Name of the Compatible Bank
  • The Registration State of the invitation
  • The Actions: available via Manage

What about the Registration State?
How do I know if CARO is already active for my client?

Find your client and go to the CARO tab - here you will find the Registration status per Client Reference

CARO has been activated, when will the statements be available to my Office?

Statements are delivered once a month, the exact date depends on the credit card period of the bank, the date on which the periods are closed is different for the banks.

      If you have chosen :

  • Delivery via FTP: the documents will be visible in your client's CARO folder.
  • Delivery via MyCodaBox: the documents are available by clicking on the Download button in the CARO tab in your client's details.

My client is active for CARO but I don't receive their statements, what's going on?
  • It is possible that your client did not use their credit card during the previous credit card period. In this case, CodaBox will not receive credit card statements from the bank.
  • Find here information on your delivery mode : Delivery method for CARO files

Download credit card statements via MyCodaBox in the folder you choose?

When you click on 'Download', the statements are downloaded in the folder that is configured in the Settings of your Browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, ...) to change the destination folder, please consult the documentation provided by your Browser or our article How to choose the location for downloading credit card statements.

Is an already downloaded CARO statement still available for further download?

Yes, the name of the downloaded .zip file is adapted in this case:

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