Accountants who subscribe their clients to the CARO service receive their client’s professional credit card statements directly for all credit card statements for which the account holder and card holder have provided their consent. 

Who is eligible for this service?

The client of the accountant who has an active CODA mandate at a supported bank.

Which banks are supported?

Argenta, Bank Van Breda, BNP Paribas Fortis, Crelan (AXA), Fintro (BNP Paribas Group) and KBC/CBC.

How to order CARO?

I order the CARO Service for my client

CARO Delivery?

Delivery & Download of CARO files

CARO in 4 short videos

The videos are not available in English but you can have a look at the FR and NL videos below

NL: Ontdek CARO in een paar minuten ...

FR: Découvrir CARO en quelques minutes ....

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