SODA 1n brief!

SODA = A standardized digital format, developed and registered by CodaBox.

With SODA, you directly receive the accounting documents from the different social secretariats and you can easily import them into your accounting software.


Thanks to the standardized 'SODA' format, the accounting entries, created by the social secretariats, can be sent directly to the accounting offices of the companies to be imported into their accounting program.


How to order SODA files

SODA delivery?

SODA are transferred directly (in XML format) and are made available to the Accounting Office electronically and securely via the CodaBox API or other secure electronic channels (same channel as for the delivery of CODA).

Good to know: SODA files are delivered on a monthly basis: annual summaries are not included in SODA deliveries (otherwise the same data would be entered twice in the accounting).

See also our offer on CodaBox website and in detail via our Youtube video (note: the price has been indexed).

What are the conditions for ordering SODA files?
  • You are or you become a CodaBox client and you order the CODA Service*

  • You check on our website if your client works with a Social Secretariat partner of CodaBox and if you work with a SODA compatible software

  • You order the SODA service for your client**

  • SODA is currently only available to accountants, but if you are a client of an accountant who has subscribed to the CodaBox Services, you can obtain the direct delivery of SODA files with their agreement.

No SODA without CODA. The SODA product is not available separately. SODA can only be transferred for the professional clients of the Accountant, under the condition that CODABOX already delivers CODA on the basis of a mandate granted for this purpose.

** As soon as you have at least one active SODA mandate in MyCodaBox, the fixed monthly fee will be charged. When you receive a file for this mandate, you will be charged once per mandate.

SODA pricing?

The SODA service is charged per environment (accounting software) via:

  • A one-off fee per mandate which is charged 1x when the mandate is activated.
  • A monthly fee per environment* There is no cumulation as for CODA: the fixed monthly fee for this service is charged once per month per environment (regardless of the number of companies for which SODA is active and regardless of the number of social secretariats from which SODA are retrieved).

When is the monthly cost of the service charged?
As soon as you have an active SODA mandate and you receive SODA files on your environment.

Why is the cost of the SODA service low?
Because the price does not depend on the number of companies on each of your environments. If you have 200 companies on your Expert environment, the price remains unchanged, you only pay the monthly cost of SODA once. 

Example of SODA fee calculation

Number of SODA mandates activated during the month on environment X
Charged by CodaBox for environment X
January1 mandate
1 x one-off fee
1 x monthly fee for SODA
/1 x monthly fee      "
/1 x monthly fee      "            
April80 mandates
80 x one-off fee
1 x monthly fee      "
1 x monthly fee      "
/1 x monthly fee      "
July2 mandates
2 x one-off fee 1 x monthly fee      "

/1 x monthly fee      "
/1 x monthly fee      "
/1 x monthly fee      "
November5 mandates
5 x one-off fee1 x monthly fee      "
/1 x monthly fee      "
TOTAL88 mandates
88 X one-off fee 
for each activated mandate
12 x monthly fee
for SODA Service / environment

SODA on 2 environments?

Example: your accounting office works with 1 Yuki environment and 1 Expert/M environment.

You activate the SODA service on both environments.

You then use 2x the SODA Service = you pay 2x the monthly cost* whatever the number of companies you manage on your environments.

You already have active SODA mandates and you order additional SODA mandates?

CodaBox charges the monthly fee for the SODA service + the one-time fee for each new activated mandate.

The following month, you only pay the monthly fee for the service.

You can read about the monthly costs and the mandate activation fee via: MyCodaBox > Environment > Contracts & Services > SODA

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