Can an SME receive CODA in Odoo? |
Is the company registered with Codabox under an accountant who also works with Odoo?
The company can manage their CODA files in Odoo, if the accountant also works with Odoo and provided that the accountant initiates the connection.
Contact [email protected] for more info.
Is the company registered with Codabox under an accountant who does not work with Odoo?
Unfortunately, the company won't be able to receive CODA in Odoo.
If the company registers with Codabox with a direct contract (Codabox Business), connecting Odoo will be possible.
Here you will find more information about Codabox for SMEs. The company can make a swift start thanks to our online registration.
Please note: if the company enters into a direct contrat with Codabox, the accountant will no longer receive the CODA.
Is the company registered with Codabox with a direct contract (Codabox Business)?
The company can connect Odoo to our API Codabox Connect. The company will then need to give permission for this connection once, via MyCodabox.
Here you will find more information about Codabox Connect for Codabox Business customers.
Receiving CODA in Odoo as an Accountant |
Are you using Codabox as an accounting office, and working with Odoo as your software?
You can connect Odoo to our API Codabox Connect.
You don't have an Odoo environment yet in MyCodabox? Be sure to request it from Codabox first to get started with the integration. We will send you the necessary documents and create your environment.
How do you make the connection in Odoo as an Accountant? |
When you log into your Odoo environment, you will be able to see which different 'customer databases' you have access to. The configuration below must be done in Odoo for each company.
Follow these steps to create the Codabox link
In your Odoo environment, you generate a password to make the connection:
- In your Odoo environment, go to Account Settings.
- Click on Accounting and scroll to Manage Connection.
Click on Create connection.
You will be given a password from Odoo that is unique to the accounting office.
This password will also allow you to create the Odoo-Codabox link for your other businesses.
So it is important to store this data somewhere safe!
- You will be automatically redirected to MyCodabox. Sign in with your known credentials.
- You will land on the screen 'Manage your consent'.
Read and accept the terms and conditions, then give your consent to connect Odoo with the Codabox API. Find out exactly how this works here.
Your permission to connect was confirmed! - Your permission to connect was confirmed!
Important: you will have to follow this step in MyCodabox only when creating the first company. Afterwards, you can connect other clients in Odoo using the same password generated when connecting the first company (keep the password somewhere safe).
In your Odoo environment, you will then see that the link was made:
- The connection was successfully established!
- On the Dashboard in your Odoo environment, click on Retrieve from CodaBox to retrieve the files.
For your information, collection will be done automatically once a day by Odoo. - The CODA has been imported and will be processed in the software. The PDF file will also be retrieved automatically.
Note: Do you want to connect for multiple companies in Odoo? If you want to connect multiple 'customer databases' to make the Codabox connection with your accounting office, you will always have to make the connection using your password and the steps above. You will use the password generated by Odoo when you made the first customer connection. |
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