Does the company registration number (enterprise number) of one of your clients need to be changed? You can change this yourself in MyCodaBox.
★ Please note that this change will require your client to sign a new mandate. If you wish to use multiple services, you can also order them afterwards.
How to proceed |
You archive the existing company (want to keep using the same company code? Then change the code in the existing company before you archive it). You then create a new company (with the same company code, if you wish) with the correct enterprise number and order the CODA mandates.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: do you want to continue using the same company code? Change the code in the existing company
- In MyCodaBox, click Companies > Company list > Search.
(Can't find the company? Click here for more information on navigating between organizations/environments). - Click the Company code.
- On the 'Company info' page, click Edit company info to change the information.
- Change the company code, for example by adding the word ‘_archive’ to it. You can then reuse the old code when you're creating the new company.
- Confirm the change by clicking Save company.
Step 2: archive the existing company
- Click on Archive company.
- Select the reason 'Other' for archiving, enter the reason ('change enterprise number'), and tick the ‘I understand the consequences of this action’ box. Confirm by clicking the Archive company button.
Step 3: re-create the company with the correct enterprise number
- In the left menu click on + Add or transfer.
- Enter the company details and the correct (new) enterprise number. Click on Save company.
★ Have you skipped ‘Step 1’ above? Then you can NOT use the same company code again.
Step 4: order the CODA mandate(s)
- After the company is created, you need to re-order the bank account numbers. Click on ‘CODA’. Then click on New CODA mandate +.
- Add the bank account (IBAN). You can transfer the same account numbers.
★Note that when you click Save mandate, you will see the message ‘This bank account already exists in our system. It is assigned to a company of your own environment.’
This is the company you have just archived.
Confirm your choice by clicking Detach bank account in the pop-up.
The company's representative must sign the mandates.
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