Does one of your mandates have the status 'Problem'?
Codabox will contact your client: |
★ Always use the version of the mandate that is available in MyCodabox: if you've changed any details (for example the name of the company), the previous version of the document is no longer valid.
Is the mandate staying in status 'Problem' for a long time? Do you want to follow up in the meantime?
➟ Use the information in the emails to know what's wrong, or go to the CODA tab in MyCodabox: a short description is indicated under the status. Check whether you are able to take action, for example correct mistakes in the company details or have the right person sign.
In the case of erroneous data (e.g. wrong account number), you can follow these steps:
- Archive the mandate that is in status 'Problem'.
- Where necessary, correct the company details (e.g. name of the company).
- Click New CODA mandate and enter the correct IBAN(s).
- Send the new mandate (signing link or download) to the right person to sign.
Did your client refuse to sign due to wrong data?
➟ In the short description following 'Cannot be processed', you can see that your client refused to sign, as well as the reason your client indicated for this.
Follow the instructions above to archive the mandate, correct the details and order a new mandate.
★ Archiving the mandate and ordering a new one has no impact on your invoice. You'll only pay once the mandate is active.
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