In MyCodaBox, the status of the mandate is 'Problem'

Why this status? 

→ One of the steps in the activation process did not run correctly. A short description is always displayed below the status 'Problem' :

The mandate status is Problem in MyCodaBox

Types of possible problems and solutions


But its status has changed from 'Available Online' or 'Awaiting signature' to 'Problem' +

Can not be processed. Your client has rejected to sign the documents with the following reason
The mandate cannot be processed in MyCodaBox Why this status?

the client has refused to sign his mandate digitally. He clicked on 'Reject' and explained his reject in a message that appears in this window.

Note: Only applies to Argenta clients (digital signature)

Which action should you take?
→ Contact


But its status has changed from 'Bank procedure' to 'Problem' + one of the following descriptions

'Cannot be processed' +What action should you take?
Client data at the bank are not up to date

The bank does not want to accept your client's mandate at this moment. We have been informed by the bank that they do not have sufficient information about this client or that there is a general problem with this client's bank file. 

Please ask your client to visit his/her bank agency in person. Once his/her bank file has been updated, return the signed document to us.

Signer is not a mandatary of the bank account➜ Please re-send us the the documents, duly completed and signed
(by all required persons if applicable).
Company number is not correct

➜ Check your client's details in MyCodaBox and adjust them. The procedure is available HERE. As this modification will have an impact on the mandate, you will be asked to download a new version of the document. Only a new mandate with a new signature date can be accepted by CodaBox.
Company name is not correct

Address of the company is not correct
Multiple signatures required➜ Please re-send us the documents, duly completed and signed
(by all the required persons if applicable).
Signature not readable
Document has to be signed, not initialed
No digital signature allowed, manual signature neededThis bank only accepts manual signatures. The list of possible signature methods per bank is available in this article.
Please re-send us the documents duly completed and signed (by all the required persons if applicable).