SODA = the payroll entries from the different social secretariats, in a standardized digital format, developed and registered by CodaBox, easily imported directly in your accounting software.

SODA benefits?

Thanks to the standardized 'SODA' format, the accounting entries, created by the social secretariats, can be imported directly into your accounting software.

SODA delivery?

SODA are transferred directly (in XML format) and are made available to the accounting office electronically and securely via the CodaBox API or other secure electronic channels (same channel as for the delivery of CODA).

What are the conditions for ordering SODA files?
  1. You are or you are becoming a CodaBox client and you order the CODA Service.
  2. You check:
    • via our website whether your client works with a social secretariat that is a CodaBox partner, and
    • whether your accounting software is compatible with SODA (e.g. Adsolut, Exact Online, Expert/M Plus, Horus, Octopus, Odoo, Popsy, Sage BOB, Top Account, Venice, Vero Count, Winauditor, WinBooks, Wings, Yuki).
      ★ This list is not exhaustive. If it does not include your software, please check with them.
  3. You order the SODA service for your client.

Note: No SODA without CODA. The SODA product is not available separately. SODA can only be delivered for the professional clients of the Accountant, under the condition that CodaBox already delivers CODA on the basis of a mandate granted for this purpose. 

SODA pricing?

All the information on SODA prices is available in this article.

You can read about the monthly costs and the mandate activation fee via:
MyCodaBox > Environment > Contract & Services > SODA

Order SODA and check the status via MyCodaBox

  1. Go to our website and check if your accounting software is ready for SODA integration.
  2. Go to MyCodaBox >Companies > Company List: find the company for which you want to activate the SODA Service.
  3. In the rightmost column 'Actions', click New SODA Mandate.
  4. In the next screen, at the top right corner, click again New SODA Mandate.
  5. Select the applicable social secretariat from the list.
    ⇨ You can add several social secretariats using Add Social Secretariat.
  6. Click Save Mandate.

Once the mandate is registered, CodaBox sends the mandate to the social secretariat and requests the activation of SODA.
Note: SODA can only be activated on condition that there is already a signed CODA mandate for the company, which includes permission for SODA.

Don't want to waste time checking which social secretariat your clients use? 

➟ Use the SODA 'Boost' Service from CodaBox!

The procedure for activating and archiving SODA is also available in a short video 
On this page you can watch a short video tutorial  'How to activate and archive SODA from CodaBox' (note: some of the wordings on the screens have since changed). 
Be sure to check out our other video tutorials, which walk you step-by-step through MyCodaBox with concrete examples.

Check the status of your order
Via MyCodaBox > Mandates & Services > SODA, you can track the activation 'status' of the SODA mandate.
You can also search and filter.
For more info, move your cursor over the info icon next to the status. SODA: what is the status?

The different states and their meaning
Mandate StatusMeaning
Not signedThe SODA mandate has been ordered, but there is no signed CODA mandate yet for this company.
 SignedMandate is signed. CodaBox will soon request the SODA activation at the social secretariat.
Requested The SODA activation has been requested at the social secretariat.
DelayedThe activation is delayed – CodaBox sends a weekly reminder to the social secretariat.
ConfirmedThe activation has been confirmed by the social secretariat – waiting for the first SODA file.
ActiveThe SODA mandate is active, CodaBox receives SODA files from the social secretariat for this company.
ArchivedThe mandate was archived. See below.
ProblemEither CodaBox could not process your request due to missing information, or the mandate was refused by the social secretariat. If you have not received any communication about this, please contact


Why is the status of my order 'Archived'?
Is your client already affiliated with the social secretariat?

If the company is not yet known by this social secretariat, they will inform us they cannot process your SODA order. Our system will then automatically archive your order and the status will change to 'Archived' in MyCodaBox.

Save time and avoid having to re-order SODA by checking before ordering whether the company is already affiliated with the social secretariat.  

SODA not available in Yuki
Info and solution in this article.

Are annual summaries included in SODA deliveries?
SODA files are delivered on a monthly basis. Annual summaries are not included in SODA deliveries (the same data would then be entered twice in the accounting). 

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