Add an account for an existing company

  1. In MyCodabox, click Companies > Company list > Search.
    (Can't find the company? Click here for more info on navigating between organizations/environments.)
  2. For the chosen company, in the rightmost column, click New Coda Mandate.
  3. Add the bank account (IBAN).
    Add IBAN✦You don't see an empty IBAN field or you want to add multiple accounts? Click Add Bank Account.
    ✦Do you see a list of Existing orderable bank accounts? These are the archived bank accounts for this company that can be ordered. You can select these.
  4. Are you the legal representative of the company or is that person with you at the moment?
    • No?➟ Click Save Mandate.
      A new mandate is generated. Click here if you want to follow-up yourself.  
    • Yes? ➟ Check the box 'I can sign the mandate(s)now' and click Next. Complete the steps on the next screen. 
You will receive CODA once this mandate is signed and activated.

This procedure is also available in a short video 
On this page you can watch a short video tutorial  'How to add a bank account' (note: some of the wordings on the screens have since changed). 
Be sure to check out our other video tutorials, which walk you step-by-step through MyCodabox with concrete examples.


Error message 'Detach bank account': add an account that already exists under a different company
The account you want to add to a company already exists under another company or is archived but previously existed under one of your other companies. This may be the case in a company merger or an error in your MyCodabox data.
In this case, you can move the account yourself via MyCodabox.
  1. Follow the instructions above to add the account.
    When you click Save Mandate, you see the error message "This bank account already exists in our system. It is assigned to a company of your own environment".
  2. Click Detach bank account.
    Detach bank account
  3. Confirm the action via the button Detach bank account in the pop-up.
    Confirm: detach bank account
  4. Click Save Mandate again.
    A new bank mandate is generated. In the tab CODA for this company, you can see the required action(s) (mandate signature).
    You will receive CODA once this mandate is signed and activated.

☆ This does not work for bank accounts that are assigned to a different MyCodabox environment (a different environment that you manage, or belonging to another accountant). 
➟  Send an e-mail to [email protected] with the bank account number and the company code. Indicate that you can't add this account via MyCodabox because it already exists in our system. We will do what is needed.

Error message 'This bank account already exists in our system'
(a) You get this notification when the account you want to add to the company already exists under a company in another environment (another environment under your management, or under another accountant). 
(b) You also get this notification when the activation of CODA for this account is pending. The account is then listed in the 'Not orderable accounts' list in the pop-up screen. In the CODA tab of the company in question, you will see the required action(s) (mandate signature).  Message: account already exists
➟  If case (a): Send an e-mail to [email protected] with the bank account number and the company code. Indicate that you can't add this account via MyCodabox because it already exists in our system. We will do what is needed.

Error message 'CODA can not be ordered'

When adding a bank account in MyCodabox via the instructions above, the following message appears:
Melding: bankrekening kan niet worden besteld in MyCodaBoxIt may be a bank investment account: some specific bank investment accounts can be shared between companies: this type of bank account belongs to the bank and no mandate can be ordered on this type of account.

What types of bank accounts can be added?
  • New bank account belonging to a partner bank
  • Archived bank account belonging to a partner bank, previously linked to the same company or to a different company within the same environment

The bank account must be unique in our system.

If the system detects that this account already exists, an error message appears when you choose Save Mandate (see the above error messages).

Types of accounts not compatible with CODA / Rejected by the bank
Some account types do not allow the delivery of CODA files, either because it is a rule set by the bank or by Codabox. Once the mandate is signed and sent to the bank, it will be refused by the bank. More info in this article.

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