To allow you to use the Codabox services, your company is registered in MyCodabox. 

Do you manage multiple companies in MyCodabox? Depending on your situation, those companies in MyCodabox can be placed under one or more organizations/environments

A number of combinations are possible. Have a look at the below visual to see which situation is or would be applicable to you.

For more information about managing your organization(s) and companies, click the below titles.

CodaBox: a structure of companies, environments and organizations

Find your companies: view our short demo to navigate smoothly
★ Do you receive multiple Codabox invoices? This means you manage your companies in MyCodabox across multiple organizations (with a separate contract and a separate Codabox invoice for each organization). 
The main menu (top left) allows you to navigate from one organization to another.
Navigate between organizations

Then you can go to your companies and services via the left menu.

★ Do you work with different accounting packages? This means you manage your companies in MyCodabox across multiple environments (= the files are delivered in different accounting softwares).
The main menu (top left) allows you to navigate from one environment to another (first check if you are in the right organization - see above).
Navigate between environments

Then you can go to your companies and services for that environment via the left menu.

Have a look at our short demo! (Click in the top right corner to enlarge)

You can find more information about the structure of MyCodabox
(companies/environments/organizations) in this article.

Add a company
Do you want to add a company?
There are 2 options: 
  • Is it sufficient in your case to receive one Codabox invoice for the different companies you will manage via MyCodabox?
    ➟ Then you can create the new company in MyCodabox (and then request CODA for the accounts). The companies are all placed under the same organization (already created in MyCodabox: this is the company that entered into the contract with Codabox and does the management in MyCodabox). 
  • Do you want to have a separate contract and receive a separate Codabox invoice for the additional company/ies (e.g. when you work for multiple companies in a group structure)?
    ➟ Then you can create a new organization in MyCodabox. See below 'Add an organization (with separate Codabox invoice)'.

You can find more information about the structure of MyCodabox above and in this article.

★ Are you using a different accounting software for the company you want to add than the one(s)
you currently already manage in MyCodabox?
Contact [email protected]. We will contact you for the necessary contract changes and file delivery.
We'll create a new environment for you on MyCodabox.

Add an organization (with separate Codabox invoice)
Do you want to receive a separate Codabox invoice for one or more additional companies (e.g. when you work for multiple companies in a group structure)?
  1. In the blue menu bar at the top, click the name of your organization.
  2. Click + New organization.Add new organization
  3. Follow the steps on the screen. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you enter into a new contract with Codabox.
    Register new organization

Once you have completed the necessary steps, you will see the Dashboard of the new organization. The entity you registered as a new organization is also automatically created as a 'company' in the Company list. No services have yet been activated for that company. You can now:

 Activate services: 
  • CODA (account statements): go to Company list and click New CODA Mandate.
  • CARO (credit card statements): go to Mandates & Services > CARO > Manage and click New CARO request.
  • SODA (payroll entries): go to Company list and click New SODA Mandate.

Add or transfer more companies:
Via the left menu Companies > + Add or transfer you can transfer existing companies from a different environment or add new companies and activate services for those companies.

 Add users:
Per organization in MyCodabox, you can invite multiple administrators and users.

Note: is it sufficient in your case to receive one Codabox invoice
for the various companies you will manage in MyCodabox?
➟ See above 'Add a company'.

Transfer (move) a company
Do you want to transfer a company from organization A to organization B (for example, because you want the Codabox invoicing for that company to go through organization B from now on)? Do you want to add a company that is currently managed in MyCodabox by another entity (for example, an accounting office)? Are you changing accounting software for a company (and you already have a MyCodabox environment for that software)?   

In these situations, you can do the company transfer yourself via MyCodabox.
How you do that, depends on the situation and where the company is currently housed. Read all about it here.

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