With the details you provided to us, we've activated MyCodabox for your company/companies. Via the online MyCodabox portal you can manage your information(s) yourself and add new companies, bank accounts and/or other services as needed.

Here you will find instructions on adding a new company for which you do the bookkeeping. Afterwards, you can add an account to receive CODA for that company.

Easily create a company via MyCodabox

Add a new company via MyCodabox > Companies > + Add or transfer

In the screen that appears, enter the required information about the company and click Save company.

Keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Company Code: This is a unique value associated with the company (useful in case of 2 companies with the same company name, but different company registration numbers) and used as a folder name in the CODA tree structure where the CODA-files are stored.  
  • Company email address: Use the address of the company in question. Do NOT enter your email address unless the company you are adding is your own. 
  • Exact Online Digital Mailbox: Enter the address of your Exact Online 'Digital Postbox' (this field is only visible if the environment was created for the Exact Online software). 

The Enterprise Number (= company registration number) is a required field.
MyCodabox shows a clear warning message in the list view and in the company details, if the Enterprise number is missing.
The Enterprise Number is mandatory: 
  • When adding a company
  • When changing data, ordering new services, or transferring a company to another environment (e.g. if you work with multiple accounting softwares). 


When adding a new company, our system checks if the company code and enterprise number (company registration number) that you enter already exists in our system. 

  • The Enterprise Number must be unique in our system. 
  • The Company Code must be unique in your environment (one environment per accounting software). 

If the system detects that this information already exists, an error message will be displayed when you click on Save Company: 

Message: 'The company already exists in our system'
The system detects that a company with these details already exists at Codabox: in a pop-up, MyCodabox will automatically proposes a transfer. Enter the company's data.

Message: 'Company Code already in use'
This error message appears under the company code: this company code has already been used for one of your other registered companies.
→ Choose another Company Code

Need help? Contact [email protected] 

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