CodaBox is often asked to deliver CODA to the accounting office as well as to the client of the accounting office. However, this is only possible in certain circumstances. Read our options below!

Option 1: CODA delivered to your office AND to your client (free for your client)
  • Your client can also receive the CODA if his software connects to the CodaBox API. 
  • Your office pays the monthly CODA fee.
  • CodaBox does not charge extra for the delivery of CODA via API.
  • You ask your client which software he uses. The list of these compatible software is available on the
    CodaBox website, under 'Software for entrepreneurs'.

How to get started?

Your client establishes the connection with CodaBox in his software.

Is this not an option for your client? Then view our 2 other options below.

Option 2: CODA only delivered to your client - your office pays the CODA fee + the extra setup cost of 100 euros
  • Your office agrees that the CODA files will be delivered directly to your client.
  • Your office does not receive the CODA files.
  • Your office pays for the monthly CODA fee of CodaBox.
  • CodaBox will set up a direct FTP delivery to your client.
  • For each direct delivery that your office requests for a client, CodaBox charges your office a one-time setup fee of 100 euros.

You contact and indicate that you want a direct delivery for a certain client. You also indicate that you agree that CodaBox will charge your office a one-time setup fee of 100 euros.

➟ If your office does not want to pay the extra setup costs, you can choose option 3.

Option 3: CODA only delivered to your client - your client pays the CODA fee
  • Your client signs a contract with CodaBox himself.
  • Only your client receives the CODA files.
  • Your client pays the monthly CODA fee directly to CodaBox.

How to get started?

➟ Your client fills in this form to become a client of CodaBox.

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