Find out here what you, as an SME, can use the MyCodabox online portal for, so that everything runs smoothly, and how you can use it to resolve any delays.

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Bank accounts and CODA

Sign mandates, to activate CODA
To be allowed to deliver CODA (account statements), Codabox requires 2 documents to be signed by the company's representative: the bank mandate and the Codabox mandate.
For each account for which you request a new CODA mandate via MyCodabox, the signing of the required mandates is done via MyCodabox, where you can also monitor the status. Codabox also sends an e-mail about this.

Here's how to do it: 
  1. You have recently added an account or you are now following these instructions to add an account and request CODA through MyCodabox.
  2. The added account and instructions for signing will appear in the CODA view of the company.
    You can also search for the account using the left menu Mandates & Services > CODA.
    (Can't find the company? Click here for more info about managing multiple companies.)
  3. Click here for further instructions.
    You will receive CODA once this mandate is signed and activated.

Request the CODA service for an additional account
You want to receive CODA for one or more accounts.

Here's how to do it: 
  1. Remember that after this step the required mandates need to be signed.
    Are you the legal representative? Then you can immediately sign the mandate(s) via MyCodabox.
    Are you not authorized to sign? See these instructions. Codabox also sends an e-mail about this to the address registered for this company.
★ Does the account for which you want to receive CODA belong to another company?
Then you must first add the company in MyCodabox.

Request CODA from the past
Have you added a company or an account for which CODA has previously been delivered (under your management or via a previous accountant)? Or did you not receive all the CODA for a certain account due to a malfunction? Then you can request the available CODA from the past via MyCodabox so that they are delivered directly to you.

Here's how to do it:

Click here for instructions.
Redeliver CODA

When you add or transfer a company that already existed with Codabox (e.g. with an accountant) via the left menu Add or Transfer, you will automatically be given the option on the screen to immediately request the redelivery of old CODAs. Follow the steps on the screen.

★ We can only supply the CODA received from the bank

(if a CODA mandate is or was previously active), with a maximum of 2 years back.

View our service fees
The Codabox rates are available on your MyCodabox via the left menu Environment > Services & pricing.

The combination of your monthly invoice and your monthly report(s) provides you with useful information.
  • The monthly report 'Bank accounts' shows all bank accounts that were active at the end of the specified month: if the title of the report is '01/2024', this report contains all accounts that had the status active on 31/01/2024.
  • The report 'Mandates' shows all mandates that were activated in the indicated month: if the report title is '01/2024', then this report contains the CODA mandates that were activated between 01/01/2024 and 31/01/2024. If you do not receive a report for CODA mandates, it means that no new mandates were activated.
  • An invoice you receive this month covers accounts and activated mandates of the past month.  

☆ Do you want to relate your invoice to your report(s)? Then check carefully that the dates correspond. For example: for an invoice received in the month of February 2024, you'll find the details in the reports titled 'Report for 01/2024'.
  • CODA - current accountfor the number of current accounts that were active in the previous month, you now pay to receive the CODA in this month. The list of these current accounts can be found in your 'Bank Accounts' report reflecting last month in the title.
  • CODA - activation of mandate: you pay a one-time fee for the number of CODA mandates activated in the course of the previous month. The list of activated mandates can be found in your 'Mandates' report reflecting the last month in the title.

New! Request additional services for your digital accounting

SODA: digital payroll entries
Thanks to SODA, you receive the payroll entries from the different social secretariats, in a standardized digital format (developed and registered by Codabox). The files can easily be imported directly in your accounting software.

Here's how to do it:
  1. Find out on this page how SODA works and whether it's possible for your company/companies.
  2. Did you sign your Codabox contract before September 2024 and have you only used CODA so far? When you log on to MyCodabox (as of 03/01/2025), you'll see a one-time window to accept the Terms and Conditions.
  3. Follow these instructions to request the SODA service.
  4. You will soon receive the SODA files, in the same way as the CODA files.

CARO: digital credit card statements
Thanks to CARO, you receive the professional credit card statements for your company/companies. Direct delivery, digital format.

Here's how to do it:
  1. Find out on this page how CARO works and whether it's possible for your company/companies.
  2. Did you sign your Codabox contract before September 2024 and have you only used CODA so far? When you log on to MyCodabox (as of 03/01/2025), you'll see a one-time window to accept the Terms and Conditions. 
  3. Follow these instructions to request the CARO service.
  4. Following your request, the cardholder receives instructions to activate the service:
    Are you the cardholder? Follow the instructions (via mail or in MyCodabox).
    Are you not the cardholder? Don't hesitate to follow up on the status of the activation and contact the cardholder if necessary.
  5. Soon you will access the CARO files in the way that works for your company.

Manage multiple companies in MyCodabox

Multiple companies: a structure combining companies, environments & organizations
Do you manage multiple companies in MyCodabox? Depending on your situation, those companies in MyCodabox can be placed under one or more organizations/environments
A number of combinations are possible. Have a look to see which situation is or would be applicable to you:
CodaBox: a structure of companies, environments and organizations
Find your companies: navigate between organizations & navigate between environments
Do you receive multiple Codabox invoices for the companies you manage? Or do you work with different accounting packages?
Click here to discover how to navigate in MyCodabox and manage the different companies. 

Add a company
Do you want to add a company?
There are 2 options. Read all about it here.

Add an organization (with separate Codabox invoice)
Do you want to receive a separate Codabox invoice for one or more additional companies (e.g. when you work for multiple companies in a group structure)?

Transfer (move) a company
Do you want to transfer a company from organization A to organization B (for example, because you want the Codabox invoicing for that company to go through organization B from now on)? Do you want to add a company that is currently managed in MyCodabox by another entity (for example, an accounting office)? Are you changing accounting software for a company (and you already have a MyCodabox environment for that software)?   

In these situations, you can do the company transfer yourself via MyCodabox.
How you do that, depends on the situation and where the company is currently housed. Read all about it here.

Change details

Change the details of a company (e.g. address)
In MyCodabox you can manage one or multiple companies. 
What you can change: company code, email, language, company name, representative, address, etc.
☆ Do you need to change the enterprise number? Contact [email protected].

Here's how to do it:
  1. In the left menu, go to Companies > Company list.
    (Can't find the company? Click here for more info about managing multiple companies.)
  2. Company list in MyCodaBox

Change the details of your organization (e.g. invoicing address)
Your own company (the company that signed the contract with Codabox and does the management in MyCodabox) is saved in MyCodaBox as your 'organization'.
Through the 'Administration' menu in the menu bar at the top, you can manage your own company's data registered with Codabox.
What you can change: invoicing address (email), company name, address, representative, etc 

Here's how to do it:
  1. In the menu bar at the top, click Administration > Organization info.Edit organization info
  2. Click the button Edit organization info.
  3. Change your details and click Save changes.

     Do you also want to change details at the level of your own company (from which you manage the mandates for your own professional accounts)? This does not happen automatically when you make changes at the level of your organization. You will see the following message (and you can click through to the company):

    Does your Enterprise number or VAT number need to be changed? Contact [email protected]

Change the details of your environment (software package) (e.g. email for reports)
For each accounting package you work with, there is a separate 'environment' in MyCodabox. This is where your companies are housed.
What you can change: language, contact email address (email the reports are sent to), etc.

Here's how to do it:
  1. In the left menu, go to Environment > Environment info.
    (First check if you're in the right organization and the right environment - click here.)
    Edit environment info
  2. At the top right, click Edit environment info.
  3. Change the details and confirm with Save changes.

Cancel a service (for a particular account or company)

Stop CODA: archive an account or mandate
Do you no longer want to receive CODA for a particular account?

Here's how to do it:
  1. In the left menu, go to Mandates & Services > CODA.
    (Can't find the company? Click here for more info about managing multiple companies.)
  2. Click the button Manage, in the rightmost column next to the account in question.
  3. The CODA tab opens.
    • Do you see the bank account on a gray tile in combination with other accounts (this means the account is part of a mandate with multiple accounts)? If so, click the archive icon next to the account in question (you can do this for one or multiple accounts).
      Archive account
    • Do you see the bank account individually on a gray tile (this means that an individual mandate exists for this account) or do you want to archive a mandate with several accounts at once? Then click actions at the top right of the tile and choose Archive.
      Archive account

★ Codabox is not automatically informed when a bank account is closed or no longer used. The billing of a bank account by Codabox only stops when you archive the bank account in MyCodabox. 

Delete a company: archive
You no longer need Codabox services for a certain company, or the company ceases its activities? Archive the company in MyCodabox: this stops further administrative tracking and/or active Codabox services for this company.

Here's how to do it:

  1. I the left menu, go to Companies > Company list.
    (Can't find the company? Click here for more info about managing multiple companies.)
  2. Click the 'Company code' to display the details.Find company in MyCodaBoxThe information page opens on the 'Company' tab.
  3. Click Archive company.Archive a company in MyCodaBox
  4. Select the reason for archiving and activate the box 'I understand the consequences of this action'.

    Confirm by clicking Archive company.Confirm archiving the company via MyCodaBox

    Important: Choose the reason that corresponds to the actual situation when archiving. The fees charged by the bank will be stopped, EXCEPT if you select 'The company will be managed by another organization/accountant'.


I'm not yet receiving CODA for my account(s)
Check that the necessary mandates are signed. You only receive CODA once the mandates are signed and activated and when there are transactions on the account.
☆ Is the mandate 6 months or older? Possibly the link has expired. Click Renew signing link. Then you can copy the new signing link or start signing now.

★ Is it a KBC account? Check if the KBC-link has been established.

★ Do you use Exact Online? See below.

Have you checked everything and you still don't get CODA? Know that the timeframe for CODA activation varies greatly from one bank to another (from 1 week to 1 month). This is because the bank has to validate the signature and activate the CODAs.

If your mandate stays in the status 'Bank procedure' for too long, you can contact [email protected].

The CODA files are not appearing in my Exact Online software
Click here for instructions to check your settings in Exact Online. 
Please also check that you have provided Codabox with the correct address of your EOL mailbox. You already communicated this when you became a Codabox client, but you can also check this yourself and change it immediately in MyCodabox if necessary: 
  1. In the left menu, go to Companies > Company list.
    (Can't find the company? Click here for more info about managing multiple companies.)
  2. Click the company code.
  3. Click the button Edit company info and enter the correct Exact Online address.
    Edit company info in MyCodaBox
  4. Click Save Changes.

I want to change my company registration number
Is your company changing status? Does your company registration number or VAT number need to be changed? 
Contact [email protected].

I want to transfer my Codabox invoice to another company
The Codabox invoice is sent to the company that entered into the contract with Codabox. Does this need to be changed?
Contact [email protected].

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